Friday, September 23, 2011

Racism: enough is enough!!

Today, I read an article about a black hockey player named Wayne Simmonds, who plays for the Philadelphia Flyers. It seems that in a preseason game against Detroit, played in a neutral location of London, Ontario, some fans were throwing bananas at Wayne, in an apparently racist gesture. Really? Throwing bananas at a hockey game? For God's sake, how immature can people get... and how old and tired is this entire concept of racism? Like the article said, this is 2011, not the 18th century! Wayne wants to play hockey, and if he's good enough to make it on a professional team like the Flyers, then he should be accepted by all teams and all fans as nothing more that a hockey player, irrespective or color, religion, etc. Why is that so hard to understand and accept? And if you feel the urge to throw bananas... well, that's just stupid! Who throws bananas, anyway?
Let's look at some facts (and if you're not of the Christain faith, or don't subscribe to a religion of any kind, then some of this may not be fact to you): 1) People of color can be found on every inhabited last mass on this earth. 2) For those of us who believe in God, the people on this earth were created by God in God's image. 3) As far back as you can look, this world has been made up of a diverse mix of race. So the bottom line is, having many races is nothing new, and is nothing unusual, so how can ANYONE believe that this diversity isn't intentional, and desireable? Afterall, it's God's handywork!
But I am going to probably push the envelope by saying that racism isn't just about one race hating another. It's also about one race trying to make itself more special than the others, or believing it's got some level of entitlement. If we really, truly want racial equality, then damn it, let's all ACT equal. Not only do we recognize and accept everyone as brothers and sisters, we also don't think that someone owes us something because of something that happened in the past. That kind of attitude just tends to promote racist feelings, even within the group that is feeling the entitlement. It creates an "us against them" mentality. Please understand; I'm not denying that slavery and forced segregation weren't horrible. They were just that! And the caucasian race didn't do itself any favors back then, because it's hard to forget how cruel and ignorant both of these acts were. But now, it's time to let bygones be bygones. I know, easier said than done, but I really do think it's as simple as that. Let's just be brothers and sisters, equal in God's eyes. Shouldn't that be good enough for everyone?

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