Thursday, April 14, 2016

Imagine a life with Donald (Trump, not Duck)...

I’m not ordinarily a political person. As a matter of fact, I hate all things politics. Perhaps you could even consider me an apolitical person. While I grew up in a staunchly-republican home, and I’ve voted republican most of my life (likely out of habit), I’ve never been one to panic or fear for my life when a democrat has been elected to an office that impacts me (unlike my parents). I’ve just lived through eight years of Mr. Obama as our president and I can’t say my life is any better or worse off than it was as Mr. Bush left office. And maybe some people I know actually have a bit better life because of some things that have happened in the last eight years. And I can even say that I thought Bill Clinton was a pretty decent president (indiscretions notwithstanding).

But now I find myself compelled to exercise my right to speak, mostly because I believe that if Donald Trump is our next president, I will have reason to fear for my life, as well as the lives of some people around me. Yes, I can understand why he has followers and believers. Things are seriously f'ed up in our government, irrespective of party. Mr. Trump has stormed in with the attitude that being a non-politician who’s willing to speak his mind and break some rules is the way to fix things. But the problem is, Mr. Trump has no clue what’s involved to running a country let alone coexist in a highly volatile world. He often seems to focus on trivial and non-critical issues, he can easily present himself as a buffoon (and sometimes a bully) in public, he seems to change his mind on what his beliefs and platforms are (sometimes on a daily basis) and he has a way of pissing off important people. OK, maybe some of us want to stand up and cheer when he says something to upset the establishment because we want to say “it’s about damned time”, but what happens when he pisses off Kim Jong Un, who’s more bat-shit crazy then anyone we can imagine holding a US office. Not sure about you, but I don’t just want to assume all the noise North Korea is making about having intercontinental nuclear ballistic capabilities is just puffed up propaganda. Let’s not test him by putting someone in the office of US president that speaks before he thinks, and then tries to change his position after it’s too late. Maybe it’s just me, but I can see that happening so quickly if Donald Trump is given the opportunity to inject his complete lack of diplomacy into some very fragile foreign affairs.

Oh, there’s more I could say, but it all boils down to the fact that in the end, Mr. Trump has no clue what he’s getting himself into, and the country will have to pay for that if he’s elected president. Yes, I’m basically a republican, but if it comes down to Donald Trump vs. either Clinton or Sanders, I believe I have three choices: 1) don’t vote at all, 2) choose an independent candidate that has no chance of winning, or 3) vote democrat. One and two are cop-outs, and I don’t think this is the time to do nothing. So yeah, Bernie or Hillary might just get my vote…

Unless of course we can stop the republican madness and prevent Trump from winning the nomination. Oh, and I think Cruz isn’t much better than Trump, but for different, divisive, manipulative and corrupt reasons. John Kasich is probably the only republican that I would feel comfortable voting for, but I’m afraid the country is too lathered up and frothing at the mouth about the government to consider the strengths that he brings to the table (yeah, maybe I’m being a bit passive aggressive).

OK, that’s the first and last of my political flaming. Get out there and Stop the Trump (and the Cruz Missle, while you’re at it).