Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Gay Marriage, religion, the supreme court, yadda yadda yadda

Everyone is blogging about the supreme court's decision on gay marriage, so I thought I'd join the fray. I mean, why not. I'll start out by saying that I'm fine with it, and I'm a Christian, and I'm straight, and I'm a republican, and... you get the point. There are a lot of people that fall into the same demographic that I do that have a problem with gay marriage and I want to set myself apart from them. Here's why.
1) I'm a Christian and as such I believe that God has created the human race. And, he's created ALL people; black, white, brown, straight, gay, disabled. People want to be accepted in society. They want to fit in. But people who are different for whatever reason struggle to fit in, mostly because those that are considered "normal" tend it make it difficult for those that are different. The man with black skin just wants to be treated based on his skills when he applies for a job. He can't change the color of his skin, but if he thought it might make his chances for the job better, maybe he would. The point is, he didn't choose his skin color, but in some regard, if he could, maybe he would in order to better fit in society. I believe the same goes for people that are gay. Can you honestly tell me that someone would subject themselves to the pain, heartache and depression that so many gay people experience when trying to reconcile their sexuality? Do you think that most people would put themselves though that if it was simply about a choice of the gender of the person they want to sleep with or marry? I can't subscribe to that. It's not a choice, because NOBODY would make a choice to be rejected by society and suffer through the trauma of not fitting in. People are gay because it's part of their fiber; of their being.
2) For those that want to take a religious stand, fine. It's your choice. But make it about you, not about others. You aren't being asked to be gay. From a legal perspective, you are now simply being asked to accept and respect the rights of gay marriage as they pertain to all other things granted by the institution of marriage. And for God's sake, don't discriminate because of someone's sexual orientation. For a business owner, for example, to refuse to provide a service to a gay couple is ridiculous because not only are you losing revenue to a growing demographic (and impacting your reputation in the business community), you're misplacing your religious beliefs... you're no longer making those beliefs about you. Remember, this was a legal decision, so let's stay within the law and recognize a gay couple's marriage rights!
3) If you're a Christian and you believe being gay is a sin, then you know it's not your place to judge or condemn. That will happen in due time. However, Christians do believe that Jesus created the new covenant to save us from our sins as long as we believe in Him, so IF you're a Christian, then don't judge others and let it be between Him and them..., not you!
Yeah, yeah, what about murderers and people who want to marry their dogs, and pedophiles and all the other sick, twisted people out there. God created them too, right? So let's just let the world run amok and and Jesus can sort things out when the time comes. And if that's the position you want to take when comparing with gay marriage, then there's probably not much hope in trying to reason with you anyway. There's a huge difference between two people who simply want to find love and happiness within the parameters of who they are, and a person with deranged ideas and beliefs that, when practiced, hurt other people in countless ways. As well, for the latter exmaple, there is documented and measurable proof of medical, emotional and/or psychological abnormalities in people that find themselves with these tendencies. This isn't true for gay people.
In a world full of terrorists, world hunger, declining environment, extreme poverty, gender and racial inequality, don't you think there are better places to focus our energies than trying to fight two human beings that just want to be happy and fit into our sometimes intolerant and rather exclusive society? I think so!